Olesja Lakin
Stained Glass Artisan


Welcome to the world of stained glass artistry, straight from the breathtaking heart of the Tamar Valley, Tasmania. This website is home to my stained glass artworks. My artisinal skill in shaping and forming these delicate, antique glassworks bring a little piece of medieval heritage to our modern shores.


I was born and raised in the historic city of Tallinn, Estonia, known for its preserved medieval architecture. Growing up in one of Europes best preserved medieval cities I was surrounded by stained glass masterpeices which led me into learning the ancient craft of stained glass.


Stained glass works are crafted from individual pieces of coloured glass, which have been carefully cut to specific patterns. These individual pieces are either held together in a lattice of snugly-fitting lead channel called ‘cames’ or the peices are individually wrapped in copper foil and then skilfully soldered at the joints to form an interconnected, resilient panel.

The antiquity of the material I use, is a key component of the charm of the work. I take pride in my collection of salvaged and antique glass which I have carefully sourced, not just locally, but from all corners of the globe.

I have an intriguing assortment of antique French, German and English glass pieces, coveted for their distinctive and superior quality, as well as a collection from various other countries. Each piece of glass holds within itself a fragment of its origin, infused with local culture and character, rendering my creations utterly unique.


Stained glass, as an art form, is a harmonious blend of architecture, science, and beauty. The history of this captivating art form traces back to ancient Egypt and Rome, where coloured glass was first illustrated. However, it was not until the Middle Ages, in the grand European cathedrals that stained glass earned its iconic status.

These awe-inspiring masterpieces have remarkably survived wars, catastrophes, and the ravages of time, owing predominantly to the inherent durability of glass and the resilience of the leaded assembly techniques used in crafting them. The longevity of these historical creations is proof of the incredible durability of stained glass.

As such, owning a stained glass art piece from my collection means that you are not just acquiring a beautiful addition to your home or office, but you are also the custodian of a piece of crafted history, that given proper care, will outlast us all and continue passing on its beauty to future generations.


I invite you to explore my shop and I hope you find that special piece that sings to you, if you would prefer something truly unique for you or your loved ones, I am also available for Custom Orders.